EMBRACE….Healing Mind, Body & Soul

Human beings possess the potential for greatness! “Powerful amazing Souls having a physical experience.” Have you heard that before? Do you believe it? Does your Light from within shine brightly outward? Do you know how amazing you are?

I am in awe of people everyday…their struggles, challenges, all that they overcome, the love shared, the pains endured, the desire to heal, the motivation to move beyond the barriers, the longing to remove obstacles, to get unstuck, to truly know one’s divinity, to come back to center, to be present after awakening from a long sleep of disassociation and mind numbing, and to transform in ways they never imagined.

People come to therapy to heal some part of oneself. They may know exactly the purpose of seeking therapy, and they arrive goal oriented. At other times, the issue that brought one in is merely the vehicle bringing them to deeper awareness.  Perhaps you are seeking a reconnection of lost parts of yourself, or some aspect of yourself that you are unaware. Yet you feel something beckoning for you look deeper, beneath the surface.  Have you come to a place in which you are ready to heal buried emotional wounds? That which gets pushed down over time may surface out in the form of depression, anxiety, relationship challenges, anger, addiction, failed jobs, multiple losses, physical illness, and many other ways.

My philosophy for therapy follows a mind, body, and spirit approach. Healing comes from connecting to all parts of ourselves. Loving and nurturing our spiritual, emotional, mental, social, and physical bodies provides space for healing and balance in our lives. Emotions, beliefs, and thoughts are energy vibrations. What we feel, believe, and think about ourselves influences our waking actualized reality. Awakening is awareness! Awareness is to be present in the moment, to feel emotions and to connect fully (mind, body and soul). Accepting and nurturing the parts of ourselves that we view as broken and unloveable begins roll tide of healing, and we transform in incredible unthinkable ways.

We offer traditional and integrated therapies:

Couples and Family Counseling
Life Coaching
Group Therapy and Support
Heart Centered Hypnotherapy
Integral Breathwork
Guided Imagery
Shadow Work, Past Life Regression